There are a lot of people struggling financially and constantly looking to the government for benefits to help take the financial pressure off of them. Although, the government will come to your rescue, the truth is receiving benefits will never help you live your dream life. Understand that although these are uncertain times, there is still an opportunity for you to get all that you have been hoping for in life. I know it sounds too good to be true, but so does winning a million dollars, but people do it often when they play the lottery. When times are difficult, it is important to remember your personal power and even more important that you use it to get the results you want in your life. There is nothing wrong with receiving benefits if they are truly needed, but there is something wrong with settling for the idea that this is all you can do and letting the benefits put restraints on your future. I hear many people say, “What else can I do?” Start by changing your thinking. What would you like to do? If money was not an issue for you, would you really take benefits from the government? If the answer is “no”, then I am certain you would not want to continue living off benefits, now. The truth is benefits can never pay you enough money to satisfy you. In order to be satisfied with your life, you must be the main driver and producer of something that brings you passion. I have met several millionaires in my lifetime and I have never met one who said ‘I got rich by receiving government benefits’ or ‘I became rich by doing something I absolutely did not like’. None of them said, “I just hung in there, even though I hated the job.” Have there been some millionaires who received benefits from the government? Yes, but in their hearts they knew there was something more in life for them.
You may be saying, I don’t want to be a millionaire. Maybe not, but you do want to be self-sufficient, don’t you? Part of producing or creating something that benefits society is a part of who we are as human beings and when that isn’t happening we feel worthless. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best, “Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can offer with the cumulative force of a whole life’s cultivation, but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous, half possession.” Most recently an article was written about the low wages Wal-Mart pays its employees and one of the workers shared with the Huffington Post the following comment: “I’m not a screw off employee by any means, and it’s upsetting to me that I can not take care of myself at 45 years old.” Deep down inside people want to be responsible for their own lives, but there has been a shift in America that made it such that people lost jobs and their secure lifestyles. This brought about a feeling of inadequacy and some have forgotten how capable and resilient they are. When we we learn to accept that we are not powerless and that we do not have to turn our lives over to the government, but instead we look inside and start asking the right questions to get answers that will lead to financial recovery and confidence, things will start to work in our favor.
Many have a hard time accepting that the ability to overcome any obstacle, financial or otherwise comes from within. This is not mumbo, jumbo. It has been proven over and over again since the beginning of time and the only reason it does not work for everyone is because it only works for those with a strong belief system and several people have allowed their confidence to remain shattered. The other reason is that some of us have never taken the time to understand how this universe that we are apart of works. I came to that conclusion after talking to different people about their idea of how to achieve success. If getting benefits from the government would satisfy us all, then why do we even bother working? We work because inherently, all human beings must feel useful and to feel worthy, they must receive just compensation, this is the law of compensation. In Breakthrough to the Success Zone, some of the most important Universal Laws necessary for success are explained. When we understand something, we can intelligently make it a part of our daily success ritual. If you do not have a ritual, High Impact Power Goal Setting will help you establish one. When we are very capable and we allow someone to take care of us, namely the government, it takes away our feeling of independence and ultimately, if the cycle is not broken, we development a sense of entitlement which turns to apathy over time. Self-worth decreases and a feeling of hopelessness sets in and we begin to accept what we are told, all while feeling something on the inside tugging away at our insides calling us to action, so that our internal light does not flicker out.
The tugging is coming from your spirit and it is encouraging you to use the authentic personal power that you have on the inside. It is encouraging you to start believing in your capabilities and to get moving towards realizing that dream that you have been putting off for years. We all need a little help every now and then, and benefits are designed to do just that, help. If you are of sound mind and able body, do not count yourself out or reduce yourself to a governmental statistic. Be the individual you were born to be and find a way to use the personal power you have in you. Here is a suggestion, make a commitment that for 30 days you will focus on being your best and that you are going to start working toward living your dream, without excuses. Then, take action: Seek out someone who is doing what you would like to do. Take in new information and open your mind to the possibilities of what your life could be like and every idea that pops into your mind write it down. Pick the idea that you are most excited about and write out a plan of action (do some research if you must), focus and take action. Here are a few cautions: 1. Only, share your idea with people who can help you or who will cheer you on to success. 2. Hold your faith, while working on a new belief system that will produce results for you. 3. Even when it looks like it is not working, keep your faith and your focus.
When the 30 days are up, assess your progress and setbacks, take in new information and start again. Just because you are on benefits that does not mean you have to give up your dreams of living your best life. Look at the benefits as life’s way of saying, “Hey, here’s a hand up as you rise to your desired level of success.”
Pat Council is an empowerment specialist, online radio show host, speaker and author who specialized in helping others tap into their authentic personal power. Listen to her show, “Designing Your Life Today” daily at information about Pat the speaker visit: