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High Impact Power Goal Setting

The Ultimate Guide for Goal Setting and Goal Achievement

About High Impact Power Goal Setting 

This is your time to achieve your goals. If you want to set and achieve goals that will bring you the life of your dreams, High Impact Power Goal Setting is the perfect guide to launch you on your success journey. Whether you are setting or you need to re-evaluate and re-set your goals, this is the perfect book for you.  Learn how to write and speak your goals, so that you are creating an empowered, clear destiny. Goal Achievement Strategist Pat Council, has successfully coached thousands into becoming, “power achievers”. Achieving your goals will bring you the life you see in your dreams. This action guide features information to help you refine your vision for your life and turn them into achievable goals. Set effective goals that will inspire you to stay the course and get results. This goal setting guide helps you develop an easy-to-follow blueprint for achieving the lifestyle you desire. Find out what connects you to the goals you set and start achieving with more confidence. Find out what the most dynamic prosperity traits are and start manifesting by using them.  In this guide you will learn: Why people do not achieve their goals and what to do about it. How to take productive action. What it takes to increase your income. What it means to use your “power cores” to achieve with consistency. We added a different twist to help release mental obstacles that are holding you back from achieving with clarity. This guide covers some of the most important parts of goal setting, so you will achieve and move forward with power.

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Gift 1 - Free Goal Setting Power Pack

Receive a set of goal setting templates designed to get you recharged and refocused on what’s important.  This packet includes:  Financial Focus Template, Procrastination Reality Template, and other templates need to keep you on track for achieving your goals. (Valued at: $24.99 Claim your free gifts below.)

6 Figure Achievers Course

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Purchase High Impact Power Goal Setting and receive 2 week free access to my online course:  6 Figure Achievers Course.    (Valued at:  $99.00 Claim your free gifts below.)

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About the author.

Pat Council

Growing up my goal was to graduate from high school, go to college and get a job.  I never dreamed I would end up building a 7 figure real estate company and managing a thriving network marketing team.  (Full disclosure, I only joined the network marketing company to get my products at a discount.)  That was all great, but then the economy tanked and my personal life took a nose dive downward.  I was faced with a lot of decisions to make.  The short version of the story is I got quiet and realized I now had the opportunity to design my life.  (Listen to my interview to get more details.) I decided to go for my dreams by doing what I love and monetizing it.

I had spent more than 14 years teaching others how to successfully achieve their goals. So, when I designed my life for success, my passion for helping others was at the top of my list.

Personal experiences taught me that you can achieve any worthwhile goal with the right formula, clear achievement strategies and inspiration that activates your wisdom.  This is why I am passionate about sharing information that will guide and inspire others to get the results they have been dreaming about for… well… who knows how long.  I am dedicated to sharing strategies, techniques, tools, and other stuff to keep you inspire and help you build your magnificent dreamlife.


Pat Council

It's your time to do life with power!

Pat Council, Goal Achievement Strategist